Table of Contents
What is leptin and what does leptin do?. 5
What is leptin resistance (Leptin Rx)?. 6
How do you know you have Leptin resistance (Leptin Rx)?. 7
Our Solution: Thot Leptin Rx. 8
Thot Leptin Rx: The formula. 8
Part I: Leptin Rx optimization. 9
7. L-Lysine monohydrochloride. 15
Part II: Burning booster and Metabolic enhancers – “the magic 4 combo”. 16
1. Green coffee bean extract 23
2. Garcinia cambogia extract 24
Part III: Energy support (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hypocholesterolemic agents) 25
Benefits of Thot Leptin Rx. 29
Synopsis to burn fat in 2024
We are offering an elegant and very advanced solution to losing weight. A world premiere formula that reactivates the natural burning cycle of the body and optimize brain to cell communication, acting as a specific nootropic.
Formulated by the nutritionist and biohacker Bralgei Shackry – aka – Gabriel Pesa
I offer this magic formula in an open source format. I believe that the world deserves this. The only condition that I require is this: Mention the creator/formulator (Bralgei Shackry aka Gabriel Pesa) and the source of information (Thot Nutrition).:.

Thot Leptin RX by Gabriel Pesa aka Bralgei Shackry is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Notification certificate for Thot Leptin RX: National Institute for Public Health – Seria AC 4466/Nr: 1063/03.04.2024

The science may be overwhelming, but we will try to make it simple for you, since we have now one pill that does a multitude of tasks for the same end result – teach your body again how to burn fat and get healthy.
We have been looking in the wrong direction. Weight loss is a communication problem, and, as a species, we are faced with the same lesson at the cellular level.
It is one thing to have cell phones and available network for sharing info, and it is another thing to really communicate.
We do not know how to really communicate. Same lesson; different level. So let’s crack this open and solve it once and for good.
Thot Leptin Rx represents a breakthrough in the realm of weight management. Based on more than 30 years of experience in nutrition, biohacking and antiaging, and a meticulously crafted blend of 18 natural active ingredients, this dietary supplement represents a paradigm shift in the area of weight loss and brain optimization.
Unlike conventional approaches that focus solely on removing the excess fat or modifying the mechanisms that lead to fat accumulation, Thot Leptin Rx targets the true root cause: miscommunication within the body – between cells and the brain. In other words: the problem is not you, nor your diet or the fat on your hips and belly. The problem is not the way your cells or your organs work – all of these are the consequence of the faulty communication within your body!
As we all know now for sure: It’s not the sugar that is wrong, it’s the excess of it. The excess sugar is not burned. Instead, it is converted to fat, because the burning cycle is corrupted.
bralgei shackry
Through a multifaceted strategy, Thot Leptin Rx restores the energy balance in your body and helps you burn fat through three main mechanisms:
- Firstly, it targets leptin resistance – which often makes it hard to lose weight, by helping the brain and the body become more sensitive to leptin, also known as “the satiety hormone”.
- Secondly, it boosts the body’s fat-burning processes, making metabolism work better and faster. The more energy you have, the more fat you burn.
- Thirdly, and most importantly, it restores and improves the energy for the communication pathways between the brain and the body, and between all cells, which promotes overall well-being.
The uniqueness of Thot Leptin Rx lies in taking the conventional weight management approaches to the next level of understanding. Rather than viewing weight gain as a cellular or organ-centric issue, the attention moves on the intercellular and brain-body communication obstacles.
By shifting the focus to this mechanism, Thot Leptin Rx changes the current weight loss paradigm and opens a door to new possibilities in weight loss research and practice and encourages new pathways to be explored and used to obtain and prolong health and wellness, in a holistic and integrative way.
Thot Leptin RX is not a magic pill, but it gives your magic back.
bralgei shackry

Introduction to losing weight smart
Weight gain and obesity is a very complex situation to handle and has more than a few mechanisms involved. If weight management was easy to solve, this article wouldn’t have been written and this supplement wouldn’t have been created.
You cannot fool your cells with empty food for too long. In truth, many of fat and obese people are in fact starved at cellular level. It is a paradox and the medical community needs to wake up to reality.
Cells are undernourished. They are screaming for real food, and, on top of it, the “phone line” to the brain is dead and nobody listens (Leptin Rx) – if you understand my metaphor.
To have a deeper and larger understanding about hunger, please watch the following videos, recorded in Romanian language: Nimic nu bate foamea – Partea 1 (Nothing beats hunger – Part 1) and Nimic nu bate foamea – Partea a 2-a (Nothing beats hunger – Part 2).
Hunger is mostly acknowledged on the physical plane. But, make no mistake; if you have it on the physical, you have it on the emotional, mental and spiritual as well. So ask yourself: what is it that really feeds you?
For the ones who dare to work harder, to discover and to experience more, I invite you to join my exclusive Master Training Classes.
Basically, in order to transcend this hunger, first, you have to accept the hunger. Until you accept hunger, you will fight it. The question is: how much longer are you willing to fight with yourself? This is how leptin resistance feels like. And this acceptance involves two important elements:
- you need to feel what you and your body really need
- you need to be honest about what it is that you feel
You can only feel with your body. There isn’t any other instrument outside of your body. The body doesn’t lie. But, if your body is numbed and silenced for too long, can you trust it then? This is why it is so important, first and foremost, to restore the receptors and the communication within the body. Now you can feel it and trust it. Now you can feel and trust yourself again. Now you can choose for real.
Humanity has been living in hunger for too long. It is time to get out of there. It is time to thrive. It is time to love and to feel loved. But then again, first, you have to feel. Everyone knows hunger, fear and cold. It is time to get used to abundance, love and warmth. And each and every one of you can do it. Do it one step at a time, by starting with your cells.
It is possible and now we have all what we need. Do not push yourself more than necessary. But be honest with yourself, and that which you can do, do it! Every little gesture matters.
Changes on the physical plane will automatically reflect on more subtle planes.
Ideal weight is hard to maintain over time, due to lack of proper nutrients and waste accumulation, which, gradually, deteriorate the metabolic functions in the whole body. Therefore, in order to obtain a long-lasting result in losing weight, every one of these mechanisms should be approached and unlocked.
Most of the people trying to lose weight cover a few of these mechanisms and very little to none cover them all. This is what Thot Nutrition is all about. Every ingredient is carefully chosen for its precise role in regulating all of the mechanisms involved in weight management.
Thot Leptin Rx is the only supplement on the market that covers all the mechanisms involved in weight management in just one pill.
bralgei shackry
One of the most important and overlooked mechanisms when it comes to losing weight is leptin resistance[1], also known in the medical world as „Leptin Rx”. This is where the name Thot Leptin Rx comes from. The full mechanism will be described in detail later in this article.
Thot Leptin Rx has a unique formula, based on more than 30 years of experience in nutrition, biohacking and antiaging, and contains no less than 18 active ingredients. This one-of-a-kind formula is designed to support weight loss and overcome leptin resistance.
The purpose of this article is to provide an in-depth overview of Thot Leptin Rx and its potential benefits for individuals struggling with overweight and obesity, a consequence of the metabolic disorders. The article will provide both the big picture and the details regarding this problem.
So… Let’s dive-in!
Weight Gain and Obesity
Obesity has become a global epidemic, with its prevalence steadily increasing over the past few decades. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity has nearly tripled worldwide since 1975, with more than 1.9 billion adults considered overweight, and of these, over 650 million are obese. This alarming trend is not limited to adults, as childhood obesity rates have also risen significantly in recent years.
Obesity is a condition arising from a persistent mismatch between energy intake and expenditure, leading to a nutritional imbalance. This disorder is marked by inflammation affecting various cell types.
This condition increases the risk of serious health issueslike diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Leptin resistance, a condition where the body becomes less responsive to the hormone leptin, is a major contributor to obesity.
Leptin and Leptin Rx
What is leptin and what does leptin do?
Leptin is a hormone which regulates appetite and metabolism. Leptin is produced mainly by fat cells and plays a crucial role in regulating appetite, metabolism, and energy balance.
When functioning correctly, leptin signals to the brain that the body has had enough to eat, that the body has stored enough energy and that it is ok to stop eating. Leptin is “the satiety hormone” and it reduces appetite.
The complementary hormone is called “ghrelin” and it is known as “the hunger hormone”, as it signals to the brain that the body needs to eat, thus stimulating appetite. Ghrelin is a hormone primarily produced by cells in the stomach and pancreas and it typically rises before meals and decreases after eating.
This hormone stimulates the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland and activates brain regions that control appetite.
Basically, together, leptin and ghrelin maintain energy homeostasis and optimize metabolism in the body.
However, things are not always happening by the book, as is the case of leptin resistance (Leptin Rx) and this is happening when various problems start to occur in the body.
What is leptin resistance (Leptin Rx)?
In individuals with leptin resistance, the brain does not receive the signal from leptin, leading to increased hunger, reduced metabolism, and difficulty losing weight. So, although the body has enough stored energy, the brain is in a permanent state of hunger.
Why is that?
Scientists have studied this mechanism for years now. However, it is one of the mechanisms that needs further studies in order to be completely understood. One of the mechanisms involved is related to the leptin receptors – either they are dirty/defective or their regulation is not done properly. Restoring leptin receptors involves both cleaning the receptors and repairing them.
Leptin resistance often goes hand in hand with insulin resistance, another metabolic condition where the body’s cells become less responsive to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels, by allowing the glucose to enter the cell. Insulin resistance can lead to high blood sugar levels, which, over time, can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and other health problems.
There’s a complex relationship between leptin resistance and insulin resistance. Leptin resistance can contribute to insulin resistance by promoting inflammation and disrupting metabolic processes. On the other hand, insulin resistance can worsen leptin resistance by affecting the signaling pathways involved in leptin function.
Both conditions often coexist and can exacerbate each other, creating a vicious cycle that contributes to weight gain and metabolic dysfunction, but not necessarily. Some scientists say that, generally, leptin resistance precedes insulin resistance with 5-7 years. This means that, if detected early, leptin resistance can be reversed and insulin resistance can, therefore, be prevented. However, they can exist separately as well.
Leptin resistance, along with insulin resistance, can determine adrenal resistance. The body becomes, due to the permanent state of hunger, to be in a permanent state of alert. It is known that, in the alert state, cortisol, the stress hormone, is secreted in the adrenal glands. This permanent secretion of cortisol leads to adrenal exhaustion.
It is important to know, that, even if most of the leptin receptors are in the brain, there are some in other parts of the body as well. This being said, leptin can also modify insulin sensitivity in the muscle and liver. If the muscle is sensitive to leptin, the energy (glucose) is used properly – it enters the muscle and it is transformed in energy molecules (ATP). However, if the muscle is resistant to leptin, the energy is stored outside the muscle: either in the adipose tissue as fat or back in the liver as glycogen – and this is another path through which leptin resistance contributes to weight gain.
How do you know you have Leptin resistance (Leptin Rx)?
The diagnosis[2] of leptin resistance can be made clinically or by dosing the hormone “reverse T3” in the blood, but I will deepen this aspect a little later. Clinically, the symptoms that may occur are: obesity, increased appetite, craving for carbohydrates, chronic fatigue.
It’s just the body’s need to get proper food and nutrients. The body needs to be nourished and you cannot fool the cells for too long.
The lack of the right nutrients corrupts the body and triggers a “survival mode” in the whole organism. Proper nutrition manages to feed the cells and to pull it out of the state of siege.
To discover more about Leptin Rx and its mechanisms involved in metabolic disorders, we encourage you to read an article Ketogenic nutrition in metabolic imbalances. The article describes in detail what is leptin resistance and how all metabolic imbalances are related to this mechanism. It covers medical terms, the mechanism of action, the links between leptin and other hormones, organs and systems and, last but not least, it offers a basic approach, starting with a well-done ketogenic nutrition.
Ok, now you know you have it. The question is: what cand you do about it?
We can reverse it step by step, in a way similar to reverse engineering, due to the fact that we still don’t understand many of the complex mechanisms that drives the cells to adapt to hunger and to prolonged nutrient deprivation.
In the next section, we’ll explore how the new product Leptin Rx from Thot Nutrition targets leptin resistance, fat burning and effective communication in the body and how it supports weight loss.
We’ll discuss its unique formulation, how it works, and its potential benefits for people struggling with weight due to leptin and/or insulin resistance, low metabolism rate and miscommunication between the brain and the body and between all the cells.
In addition, we will offer other nutritional instruments to help you achieve your goal.
Our Solution: Thot Leptin Rx
Thot Leptin Rx is specifically formulated to address leptin resistance and promote effective weight loss, utilizing a combination of 18 active ingredients with scientifically proven efficacy in fat accumulation (the reason is more complex than we can comprehend now; we are just in the early stage of understanding these processes).
Each ingredient in Thot Leptin Rx contributes to its overall efficacy in supporting weight loss and improving leptin sensitivity, including enhancing metabolism, suppressing appetite, and promoting fat burning.
It is important to understand that, administered separately, each ingredient contributes in weight management to a certain level. When combined, your metabolism is supported by least 18 different natural ingredients, which activate a lot more pathways that this humble article contains.
Together, the 18 ingredients target different aspects of leptin resistance and metabolic.
Thot Leptin Rx is the most complex and smart formula on the market dedicated to weight management at this very moment. However, do not neglect your diet, sleep and sport habits in order to get the best results. If you want more practical solutions:
- Check here the Master AMPK/mTOR Protocol to optimize your fat burning process.
Thot Leptin Rx: The formula
Thot Leptin RX by Gabriel Pesa aka Bralgei Shackry is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Thot Leptin Rx has a unique formula, based on more than three decades of experience in nutrition, and it reunites 18 active ingredients: amino acids, minerals, special carbohydrates and a very effective mix of plants and spices – some of them already famous when we talk about weight management.
Nothing in this formula is random and every ingredient is chosen for its specific effect in the body. The ingredients are perfectly blended not only to work together, but also to potentiate one another, in order to fulfill their purpose and serve the 3 main mechanisms:
We will take every ingredient one at a time and reveal the mechanisms they touch, providing scientific evidence to support the benefits of Thot Leptin Rx.
So let’s see the first part of the formula. This part is made of ingredients, mainly amino acids, which are serving one purpose – restoring and improving brain activity and communication between the brain and the rest of the cells in the whole body, optimizing leptin resistance.

Part I: Leptin Rx optimization
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL
- L- Carnosine
- L-Taurine
- D-Ribose
- L-Glutamic acid
- L-Cysteine HCL
- L-Lysine HCL
Part II: Burning booster and Metabolic enhancers – “the magic 4 combo”:
- Ginger root powder Zingiber Officinale
- Black pepper extract 95% HPLC (Biopiperin (1-piperoylpiperidine) )
- Cayene Peper (Capsicum Annuum) 5:1
- Garlic Extract (Allium Sativum) 1:100
- Green Coffee extract
- Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA 60%)
Part III: Energy support (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hypocholesterolemic agents)
- Glycine (hydrochloric glycine)
- L-Glutamine HCL
- Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) 100%
- Black currant extract (Ribes nigrum) (Anthocyanidines ≥25%)
- Zinc (Zinc oxide)
We will take every ingredient one at a time and reveal the mechanisms they touch, providing scientific evidence to support the benefits of Thot Leptin Rx.
So let’s see the first part of the formula.
Part I: Leptin Rx optimization
Made of: Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL, L- Carnosine, L-Taurine, D-Ribose, L-Glutamic acid, L-Cysteine HCL, L-Lysine HCL. This part contains 7 ingredients, mainly amino acids, which are serving one purpose – restoring and improving brain activity and communication between the brain and the rest of the cells in the whole body, optimizing leptin resistance.
Of course they have other functions, but the main target restoring leptin resistance.
Some studies have already showed that certain nutrients found in whole foods, like taurine, creatine, carnosine, anserine, and 4-hydroxyproline, are good for preventing and treating obesity, heart problems, aging-related issues, and even cancer, while boosting overall health in people of all ages[3]. Some of them are found in our formula: taurine, creatine, carnosine.
These nutrients are very rarely found in plants and easy to find in red meat, including beef, and nature still teaches us that most nutrients work better when combined with other specific nutrients. As nutrition has been so “corrupted” in the recent years, with vegan and vegetarian diets in trend, the human body might have severe nutrient deficiencies.
Therefore, in order to support optimal growth, development, and overall health, these nutrients have to obtained through diet or supplementation.
Let’s see every one of them separately.
1. Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (also known as ALCAR) is a version of L-Carnitine with an acetyl group added. L-Carnitine is very popular, especially at the gyms, for its fat-burning effects. But, compared to L-Carnitine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine is more bioavailable than L-Carnitine and it easily crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB). That is the key!
What does this mean? It means that Acetyl-L-Carnitine is more easily absorbed in the bloodstream and it has all the benefits that L-Carnitine has, but this doesn’t happen the other way around. Moreover, by crossing the BBB, Acetyl-L-Carnitine has some very useful effects in the brain, which the other one cannot, simply because it cannot get in the brain.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is known as a nootropic in the biohacking world. Acetyl-L-Carnitine serves as a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that enhances memory, boosts perception, and improves mental clarity.
Now, why is this present in out supplement? Because restoring brain activity to its optimal parameters allows the brain to lead the body’s mechanisms correctly, including the mechanisms involved in weight loss.
The brain itself needs to be awakened and conscious of the faulty communication between the body and the brain.
You all need to understand a basic fact: the cell does not feed with food, but with ATP. All metabolic processes are just a huge effort to transform the food into pyruvate or ketones in order to produce ATP for the cells.
Acetyl-L-carnitine helps in transporting fatty acids (or simply – fats) to the mitochondria. In the mitochondria, they are transformed in energy molecules (ATP molecules). This gives the brain and the body the necessary energy to work properly. As a result, the brain has energy to work well and the body’s metabolic functions are improved: this means fat burning is getting better.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine is naturally synthesized in the body, making it generally well-tolerated and safe for consumption.
Both L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine show potential in improving mitochondrial function and reducing oxidative stress[4]. This effect in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for regulating appetite and metabolism, may help improve leptin sensitivity.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine modulates the release of aminergic neurotransmitters and the biosynthesis and release of glutamate[5]. Glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system of adult mammals and has a major role in neuroplasticity. By being a glutamate modulator, ALCAR has the potential to reduce appetite, contributing to weight loss.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine is naturally synthesized in the body, making it generally well-tolerated and safe for consumption.
2. L-Carnosine
L-Carnosine, or β-alanyl-L-histidine, is known as the “longevity molecule”. It is an amino acid made up of histidine and beta-alanine, naturally present in the body, with its highest concentrations in organs which require high amounts of energy: brain, heart, and muscles.
L-Carnosine is an antioxidant. Weight gain, leptin and insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity are already known to be related to mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. It’s a heavy-metal scavenger and a very efficient toxin remover.
L-Carnosine is also an anti-glycating agent. Sugar-mediated protein crosslinking is a chemical process that occurs when sugar molecules react with proteins, leading to the formation of AGEs – these are harmful molecules which can accumulate in tissues over time, particularly in individuals with poorly controlled blood sugar levels, such as those with diabetes [6] – this makes L-Carnosine a potential therapeutic option for metabolic imbalances like diabetes.
L-Carnosine has also been described as an anti-aging peptide. It was found to suppresses cell senescence in cultured human fibroblasts.
L-Carnosine, commonly used in exercise physiology to boost performance, shows potential in helping prevent and treat conditions like obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and complications related to diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease and stroke [7].
3. L-Taurine
L-Taurine is considered a “conditional” amino acid because the body can produce some of it naturally. The rest of the taurine the human body needs is found in seafood, meat, poultry and eggs. Taurine is synthesized from amino acids methionine and cysteine.
In the firs step of the leptine resistance, monosodium glutamate is starting to inhibit natural production of the taurine. So we put it back on track.
In the body’s fat tissue, taurine is made actively. Its production raises significantly as preadipocytes mature into fat cells. Healthy lean fat cells produce and release a lot of taurine. In hypertrophic obese fat cells, this production slows down, leading to a low level of taurine, associated with obesity.
The cause is not in the cells; the cause is the miscommunication.
The liver is tricked into perceiving that L-Taurine is needed in lower quantities than the body actually requires in order to function properly. This happens because of some inhibitory mediators in the food. MSG is the first culprit.
The anti-obesity effects of taurine are partially attributed to its ability to reduce inflammation in fat tissue [8].
An international epidemiological study suggested that taurine might help alleviate metabolic disorders like obesity, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. Taurine’s efficiency comes from its actions in both peripheral tissues and the central nervous system (CNS).
Taurine helps in obesity primarily through these mechanisms:
- increases energy usage by improving fatty acid oxidation (fat-burning)
- decreases lipogenesis (fat production) by reducing glucose oxidation after meals
- regulates the energy usage for glycogen synthesis vs lipogenesis
- suppresses and inhibits oxidative stress
- reduces fat cells inflammation
- supports mitochondrial health
It is possible that low taurine levels can worsen adipocyte dysfunction, which lead to even lower taurine levels, causing a vicious cycle of obesity [9].
Taurine also facilitates the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids and helps eliminate them, lowering the cholesterol levels [10].
4. D-Ribose
D-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar molecule that plays a key role in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy currency of cells [11]. One mechanism by which D-ribose may impact obesity is through its role in energy production. This way, D-ribose supplementation could enhance cellular energy metabolism and promote fat oxidation, contributing to weight loss.
In other words, the more energy you have, the more fat you can burn!
Additionally, D-ribose has been studied for its potential benefits in improving exercise performance [12], which could indirectly impact weight management by promoting physical activity.
Furthermore, D-ribose has been investigated for its potential role as an antioxidant [13], which is associated with obesity and its related complications. By reducing oxidative stress, D-ribose supplementation may have beneficial effects on overall metabolic health.
5. L-glutamic acid
L-glutamic acid is a neurotransmitter, transmitting signals between nerves or neurons, in the brain. The active form, glutamate, is involved in cognitive functions such as learning and memory.
There are some terms like glutamate and monosodium glutamate (MSG) which are often misunderstood and misused. So, let’s clarify on them[14]. There are two main forms of glutamic acid: free glutamic acid (D-glutamic acid, not found in nature) and bound glutamic acid (L-glutamic acid, found in nature, bound to protein). Both forms transform in glutamate, once they are in the body. Glutamate is just the protonated form of glutamic acid. But not both of the glutamate forms are useful for the body.
The form of glutamate coming from L-glutamic acid is the neurotransmitter that the human brain needs, while the other form of glutamate is the harmful one, with hyper excitatory effects, in free form – like MSG. Excessive glutamate activity can lead to overstimulation of neurons by glutamate resulting in cell damage.
In other words: “we are fighting fire with fire”
bralgei shackry
Glutamic acid is known for creating umami, one of the five primary tastes, particularly when it’s utilized as a flavor enhancer in the form of monosodium glutamate (MSG) – which isn’t the case in our product, we use the L-glutamic acid form, which is bound to proteins. Excellent sources of glutamic acid include meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, and kombu. Certain protein-rich plant foods also contain glutamic acid. Glutamic acid makes up approximately 30% to 35% of gluten.
As a neurotransmitter, glutamic acid is an excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter, meaning it enhances the activity of neurons and encourages the transmission of nerve impulses.
In the brain, glutamic acid acts on specialized receptors known as “glutamate receptors”, particularly the NMDA and AMPA receptors. Glutamic acid has an agonist effect on the release of dopamine in the brain.
The brain needs a balance between excitation and inhibition[15]. Glutamate is the main excitatory and GABA the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, which helps reduce neuronal excitability and promotes relaxation. Glutamate is the metabolic precursor of GABA, which can be recycled to synthesize glutamate. So, if working well, the brain has its mechanisms and feedback loops to regulate these complementary neurotransmitters.
Glutamate is a neurotransmitter involved in signaling satiety to the brain, probably due to its capacity to regulate dopamine release. Some studies suggest that glutamate signaling may influence appetite and food intake, potentially impacting weight regulation. Additionally, glutamic acid is involved in the synthesis of glutathione, which we already know it is essential in metabolic health.
6. L-Cysteine
One mechanism by which L-cysteine may impact obesity is through its role in glutathione synthesis, the body’s most powerful antioxidant. Oxidative stress is associated with obesity and its related complications, so increasing glutathione levels through L-cysteine supplementation may help.
Furthermore, L-cysteine is involved in the regulation of insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. Some studies suggest that L-cysteine supplementation may improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels, which could indirectly impact weight management. There are some contradictions in the literature regarding the effect of L-cysteine in obesity. However, its roles in the body suggest it may be helpful.
Additionally, L-cysteine is a precursor to taurine, another amino acid that has been studied and added to Thot Leptin Rx’s formula for its potential role in weight regulation and metabolism.
7. L-Lysine monohydrochloride
L-Lysine is an essential amino acid that cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through diet or supplementation. To read more about L-Lysine and all about its benefits, please check out our article: L-Lysine the best and only key to collagen and healthy body in 2023.
L-Lysine is the amino acid which is indispensable in the post-translational acetylation of proteins. This means that the final structure and function of proteins depend on L-Lysine. For a protein to function properly, it needs to undergo some transformation after it is translated from the DNA. Acetylation of proteins is one of these transformational processes.
Acetylation is important in both immunological and metabolic pathways, including the synthesis of metabolic enzymes, and may regulate the balance between energy storage and expenditure.
Obesity, type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease (metabolic syndrome) are widely recognized as features of a chronic inflammatory state[16], therefore benefiting from an optimal immune system.
The monohydrochloride form of the L-Lysine we use makes it easier to absorb and to be used by the body. To buy the best L-Lysine available on the market, please visit our product page: Thot L-Lysine HCL – BEST Professional Grade (100% Plant based).
• • •
Oooooook. We’re done with the first part in the formula. Hope you are good so far. As you have seen, most of it is made of amino acids. They have synergic effect regarding fat metabolism. Moreover, they target not only the metabolic pathways that take place in the periphery, but they also regulate the hunger mechanisms directly from the central nervous system. It is already known that if the brain is well, the body will follow!
Moving on to the next category, which is formulated with plants.
Now… the herbs. This is where we use the power of nature at its best. Traditional medical practices have been using the power of plants since ancient times. But, as usual, it’s better when it is supported by science.
For this part of the formula, we have chosen no less than 6 herbs, each one with very powerful active compounds for fat loss and metabolism and pretty famous in the area of weight management. They work very well if administered separately, but, when they are combined optimally, well… this is when the magic happens.
The selection of the herbs, again, is in no way random. Traditions and habits, as well as medical practices, have been studied in detail for years and years. In this research, I have observed that Asian people use a lot of spices. This part is mostly related to the “burning fat” part of the formula.
Part II: Burning booster and Metabolic enhancers – “the magic 4 combo”
Made of the 4 main ingredients: Ginger root powder Zingiber Officinale, Black pepper extract 95% HPLC (Biopiperin (1-piperoylpiperidine) ), Cayene Peper (Capsicum Annuum) 5:1, Garlic Extract (Allium Sativum) 1:100 and the Co-boosters: Green Coffee extract and Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA 60%).
You need to understand that in fact, these 4 ingredients are packed with more than meets the eye. They are full of complex chemicals called terpenes or essential oils compounds. There is the magic.
Together with the amino acids and with the other ingredients, they help the body produce, hold and correctly use energy.
Studies have discovered various natural compounds from peppers, ginger, Japanese pepper, garlic, durian, royal jelly, myoga, and galangal that activate some receptors, known as “pain receptors”. These receptors play roles in regulation of body temperature regulation, inflammation, and the perception of taste and smell, showing that. When activated, fat-burning may be accelerated. Cinnamaldehyde, found in cinnamon, also inhibits fat storage. These findings suggest that certain compounds could help prevent obesity, although their effects on humans needs more investigations [17].
Moreover, giving overweight and obese individuals a mix of spices containing black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, garlic, ginger, oregano, paprika, rosemary, and turmeric is shown to lower triglyceride levels and the release of interleukin (IL)-1β (inflammatory molecule) triggered by high-fat meals [18].
As many have noticed, including myself, people who use a lot of spices and natural stimulants like coffee are very slim, have a great vitality and are very … alive. So, I studied… and I studied… Until the perfect blend to finally solve this leptin resistance and weight gaining problem was complete and functional! This formula is a beast!
Not to brag, but this might actually be the first and only natural and complete formula for Leptin Rx that works.
So, let’s see the plant extract involved.
• • •
Each one of the 4 ingredients is known for a specific compound that helps boosting the metabolic functions: ginger is known for zingiberene, black pepper for piperine, cayenne pepper for capsaicin and garlic for allicin.
What is important to understand is that, although these compounds are very powerful on their own, besides the fact that the composition of each plant extract is much more complex, they work together better than you can imagine.
Their activity is supported by the amino acids presented in the first part and enhanced by another two fat-burners: green coffee extract and Garcinia cambogia extract.
1. Ginger root extract
Ginger (Zingiber officinale, Zingiberaceaefamily) is renowned as both a popular spice and a medicinal herb. It contains volatile oils, comprising approximately 1% to 3%, which include terpenoids like zingiberene, as well as potent compounds such as gingerol, shogaol, and zingerone. Among these, gingerols and shogaols are recognized as the primary bioactive elements of ginger.
In traditional medicine, powdered ginger is recommended for several conditions like nausea, digestive issues, muscle and joint discomfort, and cold symptoms. Its diverse pharmacological benefits have been documented, including its anti-nausea, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, as well as its potential to regulate glucose and lipid levels and exhibit anticancer effects.
Experimental studies have shown promising results in managing obesity, both in terms of prevention and treatment. Ginger may influence obesity through several possible mechanisms, such as enhancing thermogenesis, promoting fat breakdown, reducing fat production, limiting the absorption of fats in the intestine, and regulating appetite.
One study shows that ginger extract can stop weight gain and reduce fat. Also, it lowers fat levels in the blood and liver, helps remove fat through feces, and reduces the activity of genes linked to fat synthesis and inflammation [19]. The research also shows that this extract activates AMPK in fat tissue – this is a mechanism that is activated during fasting or exercise, when the body burns fat and uses the energy from fats to repair the body. We want this mechanism active when we want to lose fat.
For optimizing the AMPK/mTOR pathways in your body please visit the Master AMPK/mTOR Protocol.
These pathways suggests that ginger extract might be useful as a healthy food to fight obesity and inflammation.
Active components of ginger seem to have agonistic effect one of the temperature sensors and cause the activation of sympathetic nerve system. The sympathomimetic effect of ginger has some important effects in adipose tissue such as increasing the thermogenesis and lipolysis. Moreover, the active components of ginger decrease lipogenesis. Ginger can also suppress intestinal absorption of dietary fat by decreasing lipase enzyme[20].
In addition, ginger has modulatory effects on 5‐HT receptors (serotonin). Ginger can decrease the appetite, maybe through binding to 5‐HT2c receptors in the central nervous system. On the other hand, ginger may act as an appetizer through intestinal 5‐HT3 receptors[21]. In other words, ginger may have the ability not only to suppress appetite, but to actually regulate appetite.
2. Black pepper extract
Black pepper, scientifically known as Piper nigrum and belonging to the family Piperaceae, has garnered considerable interest because of its abundant phytochemicals and bioactive properties. Cultivated primarily in tropical areas like Indonesia, Brazil, and India, the appeal of peppercorns lies in their flavorful compounds, known for their spicy and pungent characteristics.
Black pepper is a popular spice used worldwide in a variety of sauces and culinary creations, including meat dishes. Its key component, piperine, is an alkaloid known for its numerous health benefits. Piperine content within black pepper is estimated to range from 2–10%. Plants belonging to this family are known for their abundance of other active compounds like flavonoids, phenolics, amides, alkaloids, steroids, neolignans, lignans, chalcones, terpenes, and various other phytochemicals.
It is known to have a wide range of therapeutical properties, including antioxidant, antitumor, antihypertensive, anti-asthmatic, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-diarrheal, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, antispasmodic, hepato-protective, antidepressant, antibacterial, immunomodulatory, antifungal, antiapoptotic, antithyroid.
Moreover, it enhances cognitive functions and fertility.
Studies have shown that the absolute quantities of absorbed piperine were relatively higher compared to similar spices with a close structural makeup, such as curcumin.
Studies found out that black pepper has the following benefits in metabolic disorders [22]:
- Decreases blood sugar level
- Increases the insulin secretion
- Decreases inflammation
- Supports a high-fat diet in body weight, body composition, fat percentage, adiposity index, blood pressure, leptin, adiponectin, plasma, and tissue lipid profiles.
- Improves the activity of enzymes involved in lipid metabolism, such as lipase, amylase, HMG-CoA reductase, fatty acid synthase, lipoprotein lipase etc.
- Decreases oxidative stress
- Shows improvement in glucose tolerance
- Supports liver function
Both pepper extract and capsaicin can positively influence human health and treat several disorders. Moreover, they can reduce fat storage affecting brain centers responsible for the sensation of hunger, nutrient uptake by gastrointestinal tract, state of adipocytes, increase in carbohydrate and fat oxidation, metabolism and thermogenesis and other mechanisms. Therefore, despite some possible limitations, these substances could be useful for treatment of obesity [23].
The findings indicate that piperine inhibits the differentiation of fat cells, offering a potential treatment for obesity-related conditions [24].
Studies show that black pepper extract has stronger effects than piperine alone.
There could be a target for treating obesity and type 2 diabetes: raising the consumption of calories by an increase in the metabolic rate of resting skeletal muscle. Piperine increased ATPase activity of skinned relaxed fibers by 66 ± 15%. Piperine had little effect on the mechanics of either fully active or resting muscle fibers. The results described here show that up-regulation of resting muscle metabolism could treat obesity and type 2 diabetes and that piperine would provide a useful lead compound for the development of these therapies
It has been found that, by increasing the calorie consumption in the resting skeletal muscle, leptin resistance, insulin resistance, obesity and type 2 diabetes may be benefit from a very effective treatment. Piperine has been shown to boost ATPase activity in relaxed muscle fibers by 66 ± 15% (!!!). That’s a lot! [25]. What does that mean? It means that, if you manage to boost your basal metabolism (meaning the body’s metabolism when resting – in other words, your muscle metabolism when relaxed).
3. Cayenne pepper extract
Red pepper is part of the Solanaceae family within the Capsicum genus, which is recognized by various names worldwide, including hot pepper, chili pepper, bell pepper, sweet pepper, and sometimes simply pepper.
Red pepper contains natural compounds known as capsaicinoids. Studies have shown that capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin together make up approximately 70–90% of these capsaicinoids found in the Capsicum genus.
Evidence indicates that red pepper, together with its active ingredients, capsinoids, displays enhanced benefits in promoting energy expenditure (energy usage), including limiting energy intake, which is likely to reduce fat mass in overweight and obese individuals [26].
Capsaicin, a well-known vanilloid, which is the main spicy component in chili peppers, shows several biological activities and the potential applications range from food flavorings to therapeutics. Capsaicin also plays a crucial role in metabolic disorders, including weight loss, blood pressure lowing and insulin reduction effects [27].
Capsaicin is the molecule gives the pungency of hot peppers. It stimulates the sympathoadrenal system, which lead to thermogenic and anorexigenic effects. Capsaicinoids have been found to accentuate the impact of caloric restriction on body weight loss. They are shown to prevent the increase in hunger, enhances satiety, energy expenditure and fat oxidation – which are normally achieved in cases like energy restriction [28].
4. Garlic extract
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) has been used as a traditional remedy in various cultures worldwide for thousands of years, dating back over 6,000 years in Ayurvedic medicine, over 3,000 years in ancient Chinese medicine, and noted in the ancient Egyptian Codex Ebers.
In modern times, garlic has gained popularity as a natural remedy with proven health benefits and therapeutic effects, while causing almost no side effects. It is valued for its flavor and medicinal properties, attributed to its rich concentration of organosulfur compounds.
When garlic is crushed or cut, alliinase enzyme triggers the formation of volatile sulfur compounds. This process gives birth to various reactive sulfenic acids, which then combine to form thiosulfinates. These are the ones which give garlic its distinctive flavor and pungency, “allicin” being the main thiosulfinate produced from the breakdown of alliin.
The bioactive compounds achieve their activities within the gastrointestinal tract (in situ). These compounds need to be bioaccessible but not necessarily be absorbed into the body. Their absorption rates are higher than 90%.
Studies support the beneficial impact of garlic or its sulfur-containing components on obesity and metabolic syndrome. These compounds derived from garlic demonstrate an anti-obesity effect by inhibiting the differentiation of fat cells through mechanisms such as AMPK activation and other mechanisms [29].
Moreover, research provide substantial evidence for the potential of garlic to lower blood pressure (antihypertensive), regulate blood sugar levels (antidiabetic), reduce obesity (fat burning), and reduce lipid levels in the blood (hypolipidemic) [30].
1. Green coffee bean extract
Green coffee is famous for its slimming effect. It’s not that long ago when green coffee was a superstar in this area.
The active compounds found in green coffee beans which contribute to weight loss are known as chlorogenic acids (CGA). There are three major classes of chlorogenic acids present in green coffee beans, namely: caffeoylquinic acid, di-caffeoylquinic acid and feruloylquinic acid.
Another pivotal component of the green beans is caffeic acid.
Green coffee upon roasting develops its aromatic characteristics, but the flavor development comes at a cost: reduced chlorogenic acid content. Thus, the effect of green coffee is highly superior to roasted coffee for the purpose at hand. There are numerous studies which show health benefits of green coffee in disorders like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, etc. [31]
According to one meta-analysis, green coffee bean extract with 500 mg/day of chlorogenic acid lowers body weight [32]. (We remind you that we have another 17 ingredients in the formula for this purpose.)
Research demonstrated notable decreases in body weight, fat mass, and waist-to-hip ratio, alongside significant enhancements in lipid profile. This included reductions in total cholesterol, LDL, and leptin levels, along with an increase in serum adiponectin concentration. These results indicate that combining green coffee bean extract with a calorie-controlled diet can be effective in managing weight and enhancing lipid metabolism in people with obesity [33].
Administering green coffee bean extract showed positive effects on specific aspects of metabolic syndrome, such as high systolic blood pressure, elevated fasting blood glucose, insulin resistance, and abdominal obesity. Furthermore, supplementation with green coffee bean extract was linked to a reduction in appetite levels [34].
2. Garcinia cambogia extract
Garcinia cambogia, a tropical fruit also known as Malabar tamarind, originated in Southeast Asia, India, and Africa, has gained attention for its potential role in weight management, particularly in obesity [35].
This fruit contains a compound called hydroxy citric acid (HCA), which is believed to inhibit an enzyme called citrate lyase, involved in fat metabolism. By blocking this enzyme, HCA may help prevent the conversion of carbohydrates into fat, thereby reducing fat accumulation in the body. In addition to other compounds, Garcinia cambogia fruits are rich in various amino acids, including arginine, asparagine, glutamine, threonine, glycine, proline, γ-aminobutyric acid, leucine, isoleucine, ornithine, and lysine.
Hydroxy citric (HCA) acid may prevent fat accumulation by:
- Reducing or inactivating the fat-producing enzymes [36]
- Lowering the activity of proteins which raise the levels of fat-producing enzymes [37]
- Increasing levels of fat-burning enzymes
- Lowering the production of triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol, and fat in the liver [38]
Garcinia cambogia supplements may also bring about a host of other positive effects, like:
- Helping to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels[39]
- Supporting diabetes management[40]
- Boosting the immune system
- Providing antioxidant benefits[41]
Garcinia cambogia is also said to raise serotonin levels, which is a neurotransmitter in the body that helps with feeling good and communication. By this mechanism it might help in lowering appetite, which could theoretically aid in weight loss[42].
See this article for more insights on the subject:
Extracts derived from Garcinia cambogia and components found in the fruit are primarily recognized for their potential to reduce body weight and appetite, and prevent obesity.[43]
Garcinia cambogia fruits contain guttiferone J, a newly discovered compound known for its ability to trigger thermogenesis. This compound is responsible for the anti-obesity effects of Garcinia cambogia and is being explored as a potential treatment for obesity and associated conditions [44].
This ingredient is a very powerful one. When taken on its own, you should be careful not to take too much. In our formula, the dosage is in the known safe zone. Remember it is a very special combination we are using, so there is no need to oveuse none of them.
• • •
Part II done, moving to part III. Now this is the final list of ingredients in Thot Leptin Rx, but as important as any other presented so far. These ingredients that are about to be describe are essential to raise the energy levels ant to keep them leveled-up. This way, you know that all the work that your body has made through the other ingredients and through the lifestyle changes that you make, the transformation stays long-term.
Part III: Energy support (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hypocholesterolemic agents)
Made of: Glycine (hydrochloric glycine), L-Glutamine HCL, Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) 100%, Black currant extract (Ribes nigrum) (Anthocyanidins ≥25%) and Zinc (Zinc oxide).
1. Glycine
Glycine is the simplest amino acid in the human body. Glycine represents 11.5% of the total amino acid content in the human body. Typically, 80% of the body’s glycine is utilized for protein synthesis. It is mostly produced in the liver and kidneys and it is a building block for collagen, creatine, glucose, purine, porphyrins of heme and primary bile salts.
Glycine is also required for glutathione synthesis, along with L-cysteine (also included in the formula). It is estimated that glutathione synthesis represents nearly 38% of the glycine necessary for all the functions mentioned above. Studies have suggested that low glutathione synthesis rate may play a role in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Glutathione concentration was 60% lower in erythrocytes of patients with type 2 diabetes compared to healthy individuals [45].
Plasma glycine level is consistently lower in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes compared to healthy persons. Some studies suggest that low plasma glycine level precedes the clinical onset of type 2 diabetes [46].
Supplementing with glycine improves several aspects of metabolic syndrome, which includes diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. In the future medical approaches, the use of glycine may be an important option for individuals with metabolic syndrome [47].
At the appropriate dosage, glycine has proven highly effective in reducing not only metabolic disorders but also various inflammatory diseases and cancers [48].
In central nervous system, glycine plays a crucial role as neurotransmitter, regulating food intake, behavior and body homeostasis. It can have both activate or calm the brain and nervous system.
And we get back to communication: between cells and between body and the brain.
Furthermore, glycine helps support the immune system, fights inflammation, and has an antioxidant role in the body.
2. L-Glutamine
L-Glutamine is an amino acid, non-essential, widely distributed in the body, participates in numerous metabolic processes. It’s synthesized from glutamic acid and ammonia. The enzyme responsible for this process is known as glutamine synthetase. Patients with obesity or diabetes show altered glutamine metabolism, including decreases in glutamine [49].
Glutamine can serve as a nitrogen supplier in the production of various compounds, such as other amino acids, purines, and pyrimidines. L-glutamine enhances the redox potential of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) – a very powerful antioxidant[50]. As a supplier of glutamate, it plays an important role in maintaining cellular volume, amino acid balance, glutathione levels and energy production.
Plasma glutamine serves as the precursor for 80% of plasma citrulline, and plasma citrulline, in turn, acts as the precursor for 10% of plasma arginine. Ultimately, glutamine emerges as a significant precursor for arginine synthesis through its conversion to citrulline in the intestines of humans[51].
L-glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid and main precursor for the production of both glutamate and GABA neurotransmitters in the brain.
All the mechanisms mentioned above lead to an additional support of L-Glutamine in weight loss and energy management, trough pathways that have been already and partially described.
3. Ascorbic acid
It’s suggested that ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, could offer several benefits for obesity-related issues. These include possibly regulating fat burning in fat cells, controlling the release of stress hormones from the adrenal glands, and even regulating sugar metabolism, including leptin secretion, and reducing inflammation. Studies show it might help improve blood sugar levels and reduce complications in obese individuals with diabetes. These effects are likely tied to its powerful antioxidant properties [52].
Having antioxidant capabilities, vitamin C protects against oxidative stress and prevent non-enzymatic glycosylation of proteins (which has been described above). Moreover, it reduces lipid peroxidation and inflammation. The anti-inflammatory attribute of vitamin C may serve as a protective factor in metabolic diseases [53].
4. Black currant extract
While research on this specific topic is limited, black currant extract is known to contain various bioactive compounds, including anthocyanins, flavonoids, and polyphenols, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Studies show that black currant extract reduces inflammation. The metabolites of blackcurrant may not have anti-inflammatory effects directly by altering macrophage phenotypes, but by modulating levels of obesity-induced circulating pro-inflammatory factors [54].
Enzymatic extract’s high antioxidant activity was likely attributable to its high concentration of anthocyanin. Black currant extract inhibits lipid accumulation in adipocytes [55].
Black currant’s antioxidant composition might contain traces of chromium picolinate, which is known for aiding in glycemic control for individuals with diabetes and promoting the maintenance of lean body mass[56].
Whole berry and juice is rich in compounds like Cyanidin 3-glucoside, cyanidin 3-rutinoside, delphinidin 3-glucoside, delphinidin 3-rutinoside, and ascorbic acid and are shown to have the following health benefits, which can contribute to a healthy metabolism and energy management[57]:
- has an antioxidant effect
- shows an anti-inflammatory effect
- lowers cholesterol and improves metabolic functions
- increases fat oxidation
5. Zinc oxide
Zinc (Zn) is known for its wide range of benefits in human health, from antioxidant properties to almost any mechanism you can think of.
Zinc (Zn) is vital in biological processes, influencing gene transcription, cell signaling, enzyme function, and the regulation of metabolism and brain activity. It’s recognized for its contribution to insulin synthesis, storage, secretion, and sensitivity. In the brain, zinc is involved in synaptic plasticity and acts as a neurotransmitter, participating in both intra- and intercellular processes. Zn supplementation was associated with a significant reduction in body weight in overweight or obese individuals [58].
The scientists tried to find a more efficient way to deliver the Zinc oxide, and they discovered that Zn oxide nanoparticles are a very good solution. Studies now show that Zn oxide nanoparticles significantly decreased both high-fat diet induced hepatic steatosis and peripheral insulin resistance. These indicates that Zn can serve as a therapeutic strategy to improve the physiological homeostasis in obesity and its associated metabolic abnormalities [59].
Benefits of Thot Leptin Rx
Thot Leptin Ex is formulated to help improve the body’s natural metabolic functions and to help overweight and obese people to lose weight. This is achieved through 3 basic and vital mechanisms:
- It improves leptin sensitivity and overcomes leptin resistance
- It boosts metabolism & rises energy level in order to burn more fat
- It restores and improves the brain-body and intercellular communication
Overall, trough all these mechanisms, Thot Leptin Rx contributes to the normal metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, and macronutrients, as well as to normal protein synthesis, acid-base balance, and energy metabolism.
Thot Leptin Rx’s complex and unique formulation holds and approaches multiple aspects and mechanisms of weight management and metabolic health and offers a holistic approach to achieving and maintaining an ideal and healthy weight.
Usage and Dosage
In order to maximize the effectiveness of Thot Leptin Rx in leptin resistance and weight loss, we recommend a daily dose of 4-6 tablets/day with meals or with liquids.
The tablets can be swallowed with an appropriate quantity of water or they can be chewed or even enjoyed while dissolving in the mouth. Due to the spices in the formula, the tablets in Thot Leptin Rx taste similar to a “Thai soup”.
A dietary supplement does not replace a balanced diet and e healthy lifestyle. In you have any health condition, please consult your medical doctor or your health specialist.
Overcoming leptin resistance is THE KEY for achieving long-term success in weight management and depends on boosting the basic metabolic rate and restoring the communication within the whole body.
In 2024, Thot Leptin Rx is THE ONLY SUPPLEMENT which holds THE SOLUTION to optimize all the mechanisms involved in weight management.
Learn more about Thot Leptin Rx and consider incorporating it into your weight loss journey, particularly if you struggle with leptin resistance and you want fast, but long-lasting results.
<p xmlns:cc=”” xmlns:dct=””><a property=”dct:title” rel=”cc:attributionURL” href=””>Thot Leptin RX</a> by <a rel=”cc:attributionURL dct:creator” property=”cc:attributionName” href=””>Gabriel Pesa aka Bralgei Shackry</a> is licensed under <a href=”″ target=”_blank” rel=”license noopener noreferrer” style=”display:inline-block;”>Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International<img style=”height:22px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;” src=”″><img style=”height:22px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;” src=”″><img style=”height:22px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;” src=”″></a></p>
Thot Leptin RX by Gabriel Pesa aka Bralgei Shackry is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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