L-Leucine (39%), L-Lysine HCL, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, L-Threonine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Methionine, L-Histidine, L-Tryptophan (Only L-Amino acids are used correctly for building. The L- in front of the amino acids means that is folded correctly in the Left way – “ortho” means “correct”)
100% – Plant based Amino Acids using state of the art bio-synthesis (bacteria). All natural and suitable for human absorption.
All ingredients are perfect for body direct utilization. Only L-Amino acids are used correctly for building. The L- in front of the amino acids means that is folded correctly in the Left way – “ortho” means “correct”.

The benefits of using Thot Aminos:
- Accelerates the production of digestive enzymes in the body;
- Reduces stress levels and increases production of neurotransmitters;
- Intensifies KYOTOGENIC (catabolic) status which will burn fat and increase muscle mass;
- Optimizes your body’s hormone production in a natural way;
- Reduces toxin levels in the body;
- Accelerates protein (amino acid) intake with all the essential amino acids that the body does not produce without the disadvantage of sugar and nitrogen load;
- Increases muscle strength and bulk with this formula with a huge percentage of L-Leucine (39%);
- Increases the body’s collagen and connective tissue production (60% of our total dry mass is actually made up of amino acids, including bones);
- Reduces fat burning rate;
- Reduces metabolic rate and digestion.
100% Plant based formula (bacterial bio-synthesis and nano carbon filtration).
NEUTRAL TASTE. NOT BITTER. NO flavors or sweeteners.
- L-Leucine – stimulates muscle protein synthesis, being directly involved in the functions of anabolism or body growth and development[1].
- L-Lysine – Basic DNA structure; If not in sufficient quantities can cause vitamin B3 deficiency (also known as Niacin), and leads to a very low rate of connective tissue repair. It can also contribute to the release of growth hormone, which significantly helps to restore tissues[2].
- L-Isoleucine – is an important regulator of blood sugar, muscle repair and energy regulation[3].
- L-Valine – is both an EAA and a BCAA. It is needed for muscle, tissue repair and maintaining an
optimal level of nitrogen in the body. Along with leucine and isoleucine, it helps protect muscle tissue[4]. - L-Threonine – is important for the production of antibodies, for the immune system and can be converted to glycine and serine. It also contributes to the synthesis of collagen, elastin and tooth enamel and helps in liver metabolism[5].
- L-Phenylalanine – stimulates the synthesis and release of neurotransmitters and hormones such as dopamine and norepinephrine, substances necessary for the optimal activity of the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System. They are basically the two neurotransmitters that make us “feel good” and get over an intense pain or an unpleasant event more easily[6].
- L-Methionine – provides the body with sulfur – sulfur is very important in the synthesis of glutathione – the most powerful antioxidant in the body, the synthesis of cysteine, taurine, as well as other compounds necessary for optimal functioning, growth and regeneration, detoxification[7].
- L-Histidine – previously considered non-essential for adults, histidine is involved in important mechanisms involving the immune, inflammatory and digestive systems. It is a precursor for a powerful antioxidant and for an effective UV light protector[8].
- L-Tryptophane – helps release basic neurotransmitters, hormones for well-being and sleep. Examples include serotonin (the “hormone of happiness”) and melatonin (the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle)[9].
- UPGRADE the production of body digestive enzymes (Our enzymes are produced from essential amino acids). This is one of the biggest problems in nutrition because our production of enzymes depends on essential amino acids. You can produce enzymes if you have essential amino acids, but you also use the enzymes to extract the amino acids from the food.
- We are caught in a vicious cycle between enzymes and essential amino acids.
- The body will decrease the concentrationof the enzymes that will lead to poor digestion and poor extraction of essential amino acids from external sources
- UPGRADE your metabolic rate and digestion.
- UPGRADE you fat burning rate.
- UPGRADE your body’s production of hormones in a natural way. You let your body decide what hormones its need to produce instead of forcing a specific hormone. The problem usually is that the body does not have all key ingredients in order to produce our most needed hormones
- DOWNGRADE your STRESS load and increasing the production of needed neurotransmitters. Having the basic amino acids building blocks your brain and Central Nervous System can balance itself to normal state, even in extreme periods of stress.
- UPGRADE your muscle strength and muscle volume especially due to huge proportion of L-Leucine (39%)
- UPGRADE your KETOGENIC (Catabolic) status that will burn fat and increase muscle mass.
- FAST recovery during and after physical and mental/emotional activity.
- UPGRADE your colagen production and all connective body tissues. (60% of our overall mass is in fact amino acids, including our bones)
- BEST suited for Fasting and Keto diets (Ketogenic Nutrition – The fundamentals of Keto diet – 100% Powerful Ketogenic) since it does not increase the blood sugar spike. (It feeds your body directly with optimal amino acids)
- DOWNGRADE the toxins in your body since the Amino Acid Utilization factor is 98-99%.
- UPGRADE your protein (amino acids) intake with all essential amino acids that the body does not produce without the downside of sugar and nitrogen load. (When you eat proteins, 60-70% of you meals transforms in fact in a form of sugar and a form of amino compounds, hence the sugar load and uric acid or other substances that your body needs to eliminate)
Characteristics and benefits:
- ALL 9 Essential Amino Acids
- Thot nutrition is 100% essential amino acids extracted from PLANTS.
- Because of the profesional grade ingredients the amino acids DOES NOT TASTE BITTER.
- Easy to swallow. Middle line format.
- Amino Acid Utilization factor is 98-99%. AAU or Net Nitrogen Utilization means that almost all Thot Aminos amino acids are used for directly body protein synthesis or other complex amino acids (enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, etc)
- Almost calorie-free (only 0.4 kcal per ten tablets) and provides you with the same amount of amino acids as about 350 g of meat, fish or poultry
- Fast absorption (15-30 minutes) due to HCL form of aminos and because there are in direct delivery form to the blood
- Free from: sugar and other artificial sweeteners, gluten, dairy products, fat, corn, wheat or cereals
(Acest feedback este postat de mine de la un client care nu poate sa posteze – Admin)
La fel cum alegem un post la radio și pana îl găsim avem parte și de barait și bruiaj între stații și frecventele radio.. Omul în fiecare etapa a existentei încerca pana reușește sa ‘prinda’ o frecventa pe care sa își desfășoare mișcarea.
Ce face Toth și ce a ‘stabilizat’ și in interiorul meu?
Raspuns: exact aceasta frecventa și totodată m.a ajutat sa devin mai SMART
Ce înseamnă pentru mine SMART?
In tranducere proprie la fel ca și la sala de sport și în orice alta activitate din viata de zi cu zi acesti amino îmi asigura mi-au asigurat și îmi asigura în continuare.. în timp acea legătură neuronala optimizata care sa îmi redea conexiuna potrivita pentru a putea acționa cu putere, claritate și o mai mare precizie in fiecare moment al experienței de pe aici…. Practic îmi asigura conexiunea exact ca și la radio… pentru a întra pe banda de emisie.
Identic este și în cazul construcțiilor atunci când tragem curentul la o casa iar rezultatul este sa aprindem becul… Totul este despre construcție, evoluție și conexiune
Intrebarea este dacă și tu ești pregătit?
Eu am fost.
Viorica Bode (verified owner) –
I’ve been thinking about amino acids and L-Lysine for the last couple of days, in order to write this review. For me, it’s obvious they have a positive effect on my health.
I heard about aminos about a year ago, from two friends that participated in a live with Gabriel. I am grateful they told me about them.
Starting summer 2019 I have been under hormonal anti-estrogenic treatment that caused a decrease in bone density. For about 2 years, I have regularly gone to gym to aerobic/resistance classes that include weights. Before that, for about one and a half years I did yoga. At the same time, I took supplements of vit D, Ca and other minerals, collagen. But despite all these, the bone density continued to decrease in spine, while there was a stagnation in hips.
I started taking amino acids about a year ago (beginning of 2023) constantly and added during some periods, coral and H500 also recommended by Gabriel. In Aug.2023, there was an increase in bone density of the hips, but still a decrease in spine. Since then, there were two milestones: the doctor changed my hormonal treatment in Aug 2023 and in Nov. 2023 I started taking L-Lysine. I also continued to go to gym.
Two days ago (Feb. 2024) I tested my bone density and I was so happy to see an improvement of 6.3% and 7.3% in the bone density of the hips compared to Nov. 2021 and the same level as in Nov 2021 for the spine! This improvement was determined by the same DEXA machine. Between 2022-2023 I went to a different DEXA machine. This means there was an increase in spine too, since 2023 summer. My conclusion is that everything that I did (sport, supplements) lead to these results. As it looks, aminos and L-Lysine had a great contribution. It is probably a synergic result of everything I did, including aminos and L-Lysine and with God’s help!
Now, about Thot L-Lysine, as I went out of stock a week before my subscription order, I bought L-Lysine from another brand and I have to say that after I received my order and switched back to Thot L-Lysine, I could see the difference.
What I must add also is the glowing effect on the skin.
On the newly launched Leucine, I have noticed an energetic effect, but I will update after a longer use.
So, I will continue taking these products and I am sure more good result will come.
Raluca Andrei –
I was depleted of energy three years ago and could not practice any sports. I started taking amino acids from different brands at Gabriel’s recommendation, and it took some time to feel slightly better.
The difference was made when he came with Thot Aminos. It is concentrated and efficient. It created a stable foundation for me to built on and enjoy better health and mood. I take this supplement daily, as needed.