Introduction to a hard reality
The problem
I see more and more often the situation that the people drink water but they are dehydrated. Sounds familiar? Let me tell you why?
It is about the elementary chemistry.
Human body has a prevalent positive charge when it comes to the polarity of the cell. It is not desirable but is the hard reality. Since we have a lot of redox reactions and less and less antioxidants, most of our cells and the water inside the cells has positive charge. So, if you want any fresh water to get inside the cell it has to have Negative charge, or else it will be repelled.
Here comes the big surprise. Almost all the water available on the market has positive charge. Test it is you do not believe me. The range is usually between + 100 to +800 meV (mili electron volts). Proper water needs to have negative charge. Well…it does not.
So, you can drink a lot of water and you will go a lot to the toilet. but you will remain dehydrated. In addition to that you will put your kidneys to a lot of work for nothing.

Electric positive / negative charge – attraction and repulsion
The solution
I will give you 2 solutions, but first I needed to tell you about the myth: ” Drink more water, get more hydrated”! – BUSTED. See also this article: Water and hydration in nutrition
Unless your water is properly charged (with negative charge) you can drink for nothing. Simply the water won’t get inside the cell.
Solution 1 – Biohacking style.
I needed to find this solution because we are lazy and because we have no time. The hydration protocol bellow, will give you the proper tools to change the positive charge of the water and mega hydrate yourself. I use this solution for more than 10 years. I drink just a little water/day (just how much I feel) and I compensate with fresh juices because I simply do not like to drink bad water from the market. Yes, I live in the city.
Solution 2 – Nature is the best
The water inside the cells of the plant, or inside the Earth, has negative charged water. Why? Because it has not come yet in contact with sun light.
Yes, the light changes the polarity by dislodging the negative Hydrogen ions. So, bye bye negative charge water. In almost 2 hours the water from the ground or fresh juices are almost useless.
So, drink fresh spring water, fresh squeezed juices or coconut water or smoothies with coconut water, etc. Please remember not to combine fruits and vegetables in the same time. it is just a basic -ph rule.
If you want to keep your water good for long time? Store it in dark/opaque recipients.
Appendix 1 – The Hydration Protocol
The Hydration Protocol
Hydration is the basis of human health and these products, when used together, they offer the maximum cell hydration in the shortest amount of time
Attention: the hydration protocol also contains HydraCel. Currently, it is not available worldwide, we are waiting for a solution, in the meantime you can use the protocol without HydraCel. Drink Devin water. That doesn’t need HydraCel.
- Microhydrin or H500
- + HydraCel
- + Coral Mine
(a similar effect can also be achieved by direct swallowing of H500 or Microhydrin pills, if you are not comfortable with dissolving them in drinking water)
How to prepare STRUCTURED WATER:
A. For small amounts – for example, the morning water (500 ml)
B. For large quantity – for example, daily water (1.5 or 2 liters)
- Morning Water: Version for 500 ml of Water + HydraCel + Coral Mine + H500 (or Microhydrin)
- 500 ml of water with 16 drops of HydraCel solution and a Coral Mine bag (ATTENTION: do not swallow or break Coral Mine) It contains coral and its role is to purify the water, change the water pH and the antioxidant coefficient or ORAC)
- add to this water the contents of a H500 capsule or swallow it directly without breaking it
- the water container is preferable to be made of glass.
- water is consumed after oral hygiene (toothbrushing, tongue cleaning with a teaspoon)
Water absorption: Immediately after drinking water with Microhydrin, it is recommended to rest for 10-15 minutes to allow the water to be completely absorbed in the body. You do not need to drink all the water at once, but you can drink it for 10-15 minutes.
Effects: Consuming structured water with H500 (Microhydrin) in the morning provides the first intense body hydration of the day, when you wake up after the night sleep, during which the body becomes dehydrated.
Coral Mine purifies water and restores its electrolyte balance, and HydraCel reduces the surface water tension by facilitating its absorbtion into the cell.
Recommendations: It is advisable to make a habit of drinking structured water every morning when waking up.
- Do not use a metal / stainless steel spoon to mix H500 (Microhydrin) into the glass! If necessary, you can use a wooden / ceramic spoon.
- Only use glass or BPA-free containers
- If you do not have HydraCel and Coral Mine, use at least H500
- The ideal option is H500 + HydraCel + Coral Mine (Read the “Water as a self healing solution” that you can download from my web page:
- DURING THE DAY: Version for 1 liter and 1.5 liter water for being structured
For daytime drinking water, the following version is recommended without adding H500 or Microhydrin as the light dislodges the hydrogen ions over the course of the day. The idea is to get the maximum of hydrogen ions.
The second capsule of H500 or Microhydrin is dissolved in a glass of water that was already prepared or swallowed without being dissolved, in the afternoon.
Option 1: 1.5 liters of flat water + a Coral Mine bag + 48 drops of HydraCel
Option 2: 1 liter of water + a Coral Mine bag + 32 drops of HydraCel. After consuming it, in the same 1 liter bottle, keep the Coral Mine pouch and add water and HydraCel again.
With this water swallow H500 or dissolve the contents of the capsule in this structured water and swallow
For normal consumption, 2 capsules of H500 / day are recommended (one in the morning and one in the afternoon, dissolved in structured water or swallowed directly).
These 2 options are recommended for intensive hydration of the body and for a very good absorption of the minerals from the bags.
If you do not have Coral Mine you can use at least HydraCel for drinking water (8 drops per cup of water), which also improves water quality by lowering superficial tension, making it alkaline and acting as an antioxidant for the body. This water with HydraCel is easily absorbed inside the cells. Otherwise, without HydraCel or a bioavailable water, you drink the water and eliminate it through the urine without it entering the cell.
Effects: daily consumption of 2 and a half liters of pure, alkaline water leads to improved blood and cell quality, better digestion and respiration, and long-term immune system strengthening, intense hydration of cells, a high toning effect and, above all, gaining a good mood.
- Do not use commercial plastic bottles unless they are PVC-Free. Dark glass bottles are preferred (Ideal). If you do not have a bottle of PVC-free glass or plastic, you can prepare water in a jar and put your structured water in a glass or a cup during the day.
- Do not dissolve H500 in plastic bottles. If you do not have glass bottles or BPA-Free materials, swallow the capsule with structured water directly.
- You can buy NALGENE bottles from the Himalaya Sports Store–hidratare-63
- It is advisable to drink water 30 minutes before meals and 1 hour after meal. The reason is that by consuming water during or immediately after meal, digestion can not be completely accomplished, the digestive process goes out, and the ingested foods partially turn into toxins or into partially digested elements. This is because there was not enough time for foods to be processed and transformed into nutrients, which are then assimilated by the body. Pre-meal water will be used especially for digestive and filtration processes, so it’s vital to drink water before meals, so the body will be ready for the arrival of the food. The water has to be at room temperature. Do not drink cold water that was kept in the fridge.
- Do not heat water in a microwave and do not use this machine at all!
- Water is prepared and consumed in the same day, it is not advisable to drink the water prepared the day before, as it no longer keeps its characteristics.
- Wash the water container daily before use.
In the extensive material about the water you will find more information about water and its structure and how to improve your hydration level from month to month. Study the “Water as self healing solution” that you can download from my web page:
During the hydration period, it is advisable to avoid as much as possible or to consume less / lesser amounts of the following foods / products:
- Sugar, or other toxic substitutes
- Iodized salt
- Sodium Monoglutamate – MSG (note that it is hidden under many names)
- Meat (fish can be consumed)
- Soy
- Energizer (coffee, black tea, green tea)
- Alcohol
- Es of any kind
- View the complete list at APPENDIX 0.
Also, it is recommended that after 20:00 in the evening, eating should no longer take place, in order to allow the body to rest. Consuming food in the evening makes the body reactivate its digestive functions, but this process is interrupted as soon as we fall asleep so the food can not be completely digested. Non-digested food remains will turn into toxins.
Heating food in the microwave oven is not recommended, IT IS EVEN PROHIBITED, because foods lose their properties by heating in the oven and the microwave effects inside the body are not beneficial: decreased immune system, blood thickening etc.
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